
Friday, 31 May 2019

Catholic Schools'day

                          Catholic Schools'Day                                                                                                                                  On Tuesday it was Catholic Schools' Day. That means all Catholic schools in New Zealand do something special because we are Catholic. St. Ignatius and St Pius X schools came to celebrate it with us. We went to Mass at Church. There were three priests  and the entire Church was full. We sang lots of songs and most of the songs we've sung before. After Mass we went back to the canopy to have our lunch.                                                                                                                                There were so many children and the noise was incredibly lou
d. We had our lunch inside the classroom while St.Ignatius and St.Pius X had their lunches outside because they were so hungry to move.                                                                                                                                                                                             When the bell rang St.Ignatius was already going back to their school while St.Pius X was playing on the grass and on the playground. We were going to do tabloids sports but it rained so we decided to go back to class and have free time.               



Thursday, 23 May 2019

                                                          TIKA,PONO,AROHA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We have been learning about how Jesus respected the Tapu [sacredness}of people. We listened to the story about the Samaritan woman who talked to Jesus, even though Jews hated Samaritans and were not allowed to speak to them. Jesus asked her for some water which shows that he respected her.
Also in the story of Jesus healing the leper, he got close to the man with leprosy which he could have got sick from. He felt pity for the man and healed him. These stories show us how we must treat other people, even those who are different to us. This will mean that we treat others like Jesus did, with Tika (being just and doing the right thing), Pono (being truthful) and Aroha (loving).
I show Aroha when I help Nino when he doesn't understand something. I show Pono when i I tell the truth and I show Tika when I stick up for someone is being hurt.                                                                                           

Monday, 20 May 2019