
Monday, 12 August 2019

Making Tukutuku Mats

               This term we have been learning about making tukutuku patterns and how you can see them in a
               wharenui on the walls. A wharenui is a meeting house. I made a tukutuku mat and I think
               I did a pretty good job. To make it we needed a cardboard loom and strips of black and red 
               paper. We had to weave the strips in and out and secure them on the edge of the loom with glue.

Monday, 5 August 2019

Smart Relationship Qualities

                                   This week of Cyber smart we made structures out of Marshmallow and spaghetti.
                                    Mrs Collins challenged us to make the tallest tower we could make as a group.
                                    We didn't have much resources since we only had 8 Marshmallow's and 12                                               spaghetti noodles which were raw.
                                     We started off by planing  how to build the tower and then we started building.
                                      Our original plan didn't so we had to start again.
                                      Our tower was 8 cm tall because we didn't have enough time but we showed                                             some great teamwork.